Trading on CattieSwap is characterized by its user-friendly interface, setting it apart from numerous other exchanges. Complexity in the form of intricate charts and convoluted jargon is non-existent here, thanks to the proficient CattieSwap Smart Router, which handles all trading routes and calculations seamlessly.
To embark on your trading journey, it is imperative to procure a Scroll-compatible wallet, a task that can be efficiently executed by acquiring proficiency in setting up Metamask.
How to Swap
How to swap tokens on CattieSwap
Go to Swap page
Unlock your Wallet. (You can find it in the top right side of the screen)
Select the tokens you would like to trade and enter the amounts.
Check your details and click Swap
You'll see a popup asking you to confirm details. Click Confirm Swap. You may need to click Approve first. (This is to approve Trisolaris to execute the trade for you.)
Confirm the transaction in your wallet.
Last updated