How to Add/Remove Liquidity

Step 1: Find "Liquidity" on CattieSwap page

Step 2: Liquidity-Providing Overview

On this page you have click on "Add Liquidity", and you will be directed to the screen for providing liquidity.

Step 3: Choose Fee Tier

Choose the Token Pair to Contribute Liquidity: On CattieSwap, you have the freedom to select the specific token pair you wish to provide liquidity for. You also have the option to define the Fee Tier for your liquidity contribution. In cases where you are not the initial liquidity provider for this pair, CattieSwap offers a recommended default Fee Tier of 0.25%, a widely accepted industry standard. Nevertheless, you retain the flexibility to customize your Fee Tier to align with your individual preferences, whether opting for a lower or higher fee structure.

It's important to note that our routing system operates with a high degree of sophistication, intelligently guiding users to the most advantageous route for swaps. This assessment takes into account both price and fee considerations, ensuring an unparalleled trading experience that is optimized for your benefit.

Step 4: Liquidity Price Range

Step 5: Add Your Liquidity

Step 6: Confirm your Transaction

Last updated